Ask your parents or teacher for help.
For each addition problem on the addition worksheet, type the answer. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to move from problem to problem. When finished, press the 'Grade My Quiz' button, and we'll grade the quiz for you! When ready to try another online addition worksheet, press the 'Give Me a New Quiz' button.

Teacher's note: This page randomly generates problems that add numbers from 0 to 9. The Addition Quiz found on the big number flash cards page can be set to any number from 0 to 99.
Super-Duper Addition Quiz (50)
ninty five
11)  1
+ 7

white space
17)  8
+ 4

white space
13)  8
+ 4

white space
19)  8
+ 4

white space
25)  8
+ 4

white space
31)  8
+ 4

white space
37)  8
+ 4

white space
43)  8
+ 4

white space
49)  8
+ 4

12)  6
+ 6

white space
18)  8
+ 4

white space
14)  8
+ 4

white space
20)  8
+ 4

white space
26)  8
+ 4

white space
32)  8
+ 4

white space
38)  8
+ 4

white space
44)  8
+ 4

white space
50)  8
+ 4

13)  8
+ 4

white space
19)  8
+ 4

white space
15)  8
+ 4

white space
21)  8
+ 4

white space
27)  8
+ 4

white space
33)  8
+ 4

white space
39)  8
+ 4

white space
45)  8
+ 4

13)  8
+ 4

white space
10)  8
+ 4

white space
16)  8
+ 4

white space
22)  8
+ 4

white space
28)  8
+ 4

white space
34)  8
+ 4

white space
40)  8
+ 4

white space
46)  8
+ 4

white space
15)  8
+ 4

white space
11)  8
+ 4

white space
17)  8
+ 4

white space
23)  8
+ 4

white space
29)  8
+ 4

white space
35)  8
+ 4

white space
41)  8
+ 4

white space
47)  8
+ 4

16)  8
+ 4

white space
12)  8
+ 4

white space
18)  8
+ 4

white space
24)  8
+ 4

white space
30)  8
+ 4

white space
36)  8
+ 4

white space
42)  8
+ 4

white space
48)  8
+ 4


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